
Your digital document(s) could be rejected for several reasons, including if the document was an unsupported file type, or was too blurry to read, for example.

You can select up to three (3) files in PDF, png, jpg or heif format. Please ensure that each scanned or photographed image of your document(s) is smaller than 10MB, and is not dark, blurry, doctored or otherwise unclear. If your image is unclear, try using a third-party scanning app or a document scanner.

During the withdrawal process, we also verify Player’s identity to meet FINTRAC regulations.  Your documents may not have met requirements or further documentation was required.  Check your account inbox or an email for a message from our Accounts Team.

If you are not sure you have all the right info, check out our About Banking page, contact your bank, or get in touch with Player Support.